Commit ce4988a4 by Feanil Patel

Add logic to be able to monitor RCs from jenkins.

parent 5621dbd0
import argparse
import json
import logging as log
import pickle
import requests
import yaml
from datetime import datetime
from git import *
from git import Repo
from os import path
from pprint import pformat
from pprint import pprint
from pymongo import MongoClient, DESCENDING
from stage_release import flip_repos, uri_from
def release_hashes(repo):
for ref in repo.remotes.origin.refs:
def releases(repo):
for ref in repo.refs:
yield ref.commit.hexsha
yield ref
def check_all(args):
config = yaml.safe_load(open(args.config))
client = MongoClient(uri_from(config['DOC_STORE_CONFIG']))
repos = [Repo(repo_dir) for repo_dir in config['repos']]
configuration_repo = Repo(config['configuration_repo'])
configuration_secure = Repo(config['configuration_secure'])
def candidates_since(repo, time):
for rc in releases(repo):
last_update = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(rc.commit.committed_date)
if last_update > time:
# New RC or updated RC
yield rc
for repo in repos:
for git_hash in release_hashes(repo):
def stage_release(url, token, repo, rc):
params = []
params.append({'name': "{}_REF".format(repo), 'value': True})
params.append({'name': repo, 'value': rc.commit.hexsha})
build_params = {'parameter': params}"New rc found{}, staging new release.".format(
r =,
data={"token", token},
params={"json": json.dumps(build_params)})
if r.status_code != 201:
msg = "Failed to submit request with params: {}"
raise Exception(msg.format(pformat(build_params)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Monitor git repos for new rc branches.")
parser.add_argument('-c','--config', required=True,
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', required=True,
help="Config file.")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pickle', default="data.pickle",
help="Pickle of presistent data.")
args = parser.parse_args()
config = yaml.safe_load(open(args.config))
if path.exists(args.pickle):
data = pickle.load(open(args.pickle))
data = {}
if 'last_check' not in data:
last_check = datetime.utcnow()
last_check = data['last_check']
data['last_check'] = datetime.utcnow()
all_plays = flip_repos(config['repos'])
# Find plays that are affected by this repo.
repos_with_changes = {}
for repo in config['repos']:
# Check for new rc candidates.
for rc in candidates_since(Repo(repo), last_check):
# Notify stage-release to build for the new repo.
stage_release(config['abby_url'], config['abby_token'], repo, rc)
pickle.dump(data, open(args.pickle, 'w'))
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