Commit ccc05bc5 by Kevin Falcone

Error if we want to unmount a disk but cannot

This prevents us from mounting a disk in two places.
parent 497d0173
......@@ -54,8 +54,16 @@
volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | list | length != 0 and
(volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first).mount != item.mount
with_items: ansible_mounts
# fail here if you attempted to unmount something instead of unmounting it
# Meaning UNMOUNT disks is false, but the volumes indicates we should be fiddling mounts
# If there are disks we want to be unmounting, but we can't because UNMOUNT_DISKS is false
# that is an errorable condition, since it can easily allow us to double mount a disk.
- name: Check that we don't want to unmount disks when UNMOUNT_DISKS is false
fail: msg="Found disks mounted in the wrong place, but can't unmount them. This role will need to be re-run with -e 'UNMOUNT_DISKS=True' if you believe that is safe."
when: >
volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | list | length != 0 and
(volumes | selectattr('device', 'equalto', item.device) | first).mount != item.mount
with_items: ansible_mounts
- name: Mount disks
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