Commit cc5f248b by Sven Marnach

Restart nginx after copying the configuration.

parent 60364938
......@@ -310,6 +310,17 @@
- install
- install:configuration
# nginx is started during package installation, before any of the configuration files are in place.
# The handler that reloads the configuration would be run only at the very end of the playbook, so
# none of the local services would be available in the meantime, e.g. causing certs to error out
# since it can't reach xqueue on the its nginx port. For this reason, we flush the handlers here
# to ensure the nginx configuration is reloaded when necessary.
- name: Restart or reload nginx if necessary
meta: flush_handlers
- install
- install:configuration
# If tasks that notify restart nginx don't change the state of the remote system
# their corresponding notifications don't get run. If nginx has been stopped for
# any reason, this will ensure that it is started up again.
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