Commit c8f1f45d by Kevin Falcone

Also check for the correct version of the kernel module

Amazon wants 2.16.4, says elsewhere 2.14.2 is ok and that Ubuntu 14.04's
2.11.3-k is ok but missing some bug fixes.
parent 865b1a5e
......@@ -32,7 +32,14 @@
become: False
register: enhanced_networking_raw
- name: Test for kernel module
shell: 'modinfo ixgbevf | grep -E ^version: | sed -E "s/^version: *//"'
register: ixgbevf_kernel_module
ignore_errors: yes
- set_fact:
# AWS would like 2.16 or 2.14 of this module, but says that Ubuntu's default of 2.11.3-k is ok
has_ixgbevf_kernel_module: "{{ (ixgbevf_kernel_module.stdout | default('0.0.0')) | replace('-k','') | version_compare('2.11.3','>=', strict=True) }}"
supports_enhanced_networking: "{{ (ansible_ec2_instance_type[:2] | lower) in compatible_instance_types }}"
enhanced_networking_already_on: "{{ (enhanced_networking_raw.stdout | from_json).SriovNetSupport.Value | default(None) == 'simple' }}"
......@@ -45,12 +52,12 @@
profile: "{{ profile }}"
wait: yes
become: False
when: supports_enhanced_networking and not enhanced_networking_already_on
when: supports_enhanced_networking and has_ixgbevf_kernel_module and not enhanced_networking_already_on
- name: Set enhanced networking instance attribute
module: shell aws --profile {{ profile }} ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id {{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }} --sriov-net-support simple
when: supports_enhanced_networking and not enhanced_networking_already_on
when: supports_enhanced_networking and has_ixgbevf_kernel_module and not enhanced_networking_already_on
- name: Start instances
......@@ -61,4 +68,4 @@
profile: "{{ profile }}"
wait: yes
become: False
when: supports_enhanced_networking and not enhanced_networking_already_on
\ No newline at end of file
when: supports_enhanced_networking and has_ixgbevf_kernel_module and not enhanced_networking_already_on
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