Commit c0f94f44 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #1978 from edx/feanil/rm_custom_req_file

Feanil/rm custom req file
parents 20f043e5 8ef3400e
-Role: edx-ansible
- Role: edxapp
- The edxapp role no longer uses checksums to bypass pip installs.
- pip install will always run for all known requirements files.
- Role: edx-ansible
- `/edx/bin/update` no longer runs the ansible command with `--tags deploy`
- Role: edxapp
......@@ -522,18 +522,6 @@ edxapp_sandbox_user: 'sandbox' # I think something about the codejail requires
# apparmor command
edxapp_aa_command: "{% if EDXAPP_SANDBOX_ENFORCE %}aa-enforce{% else %}aa-complain{% endif %}"
# Requirement files we explicitely
# check for changes before attempting
# to update the venv
- "{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ post_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ base_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ custom_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ paver_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ sandbox_post_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_base_requirements }}"
# all edxapp requirements files
- "{{ pre_requirements_file }}"
......@@ -60,20 +60,6 @@
GIT_SSH: "{{ edxapp_git_ssh }}"
register: edxapp_theme_checkout
- name: create checksum for requirements, package.json and Gemfile
shell: >
/usr/bin/md5sum {{ " ".join(edxapp_chksum_req_files) }} 2>/dev/null > /var/tmp/
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
ignore_errors: true
- stat: path=/var/tmp/
register: new
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
- stat: path=/var/tmp/edxapp.req.installed
register: inst
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
# Substitute github mirror in all requirements files
# This is run on every single deploy
- name: Updating requirement files for git mirror
......@@ -129,7 +115,6 @@
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: not inst.stat.exists or new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5
# Install the python modules into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python base-requirements
......@@ -141,7 +126,6 @@
chdir={{ edxapp_code_dir }}
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
when: not inst.stat.exists or new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5
# Install the python post requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-requirements
......@@ -152,7 +136,6 @@
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: not inst.stat.exists or new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5
# Install the python paver requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python paver-requirements
......@@ -163,7 +146,6 @@
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: not inst.stat.exists or new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5
# Install the python custom requirements into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
......@@ -179,7 +161,7 @@
extra_args="-i {{ COMMON_PYPI_MIRROR_URL }} --exists-action w"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
environment: "{{ edxapp_environment }}"
when: custom_requirements.stat.exists and new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5
when: custom_requirements.stat.exists
# Install the final python modules into {{ edxapp_venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-post requirements
......@@ -245,7 +227,7 @@
- "{{ sandbox_local_requirements }}"
- "{{ sandbox_post_requirements }}"
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
when: "not EDXAPP_PYTHON_SANDBOX and (not inst.stat.exists or new.stat.md5 != inst.stat.md5)"
# The next few tasks set up the python code sandbox
......@@ -298,11 +280,6 @@
- name: give other read permissions to the virtualenv
command: chmod -R o+r "{{ edxapp_venv_dir }}"
- name: create checksum for installed requirements
shell: cp /var/tmp/ /var/tmp/edxapp.req.installed
sudo_user: "{{ edxapp_user }}"
# This is necessary for when syncdb is run and the django_openid_auth module is installed,
# not sure if this fix will ever get merged
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