Commit c09f9b94 by e0d

Merge pull request #1577 from edx/e0d/large-logs

chunck size and related disable switch
parents aa0d10d5 cc0085a7
......@@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ availability_zone=$(ec2metadata --availability-zone)
region=${availability_zone:0:${{lb}}#availability_zone{{rb}} - 1}
$noop {{ aws_s3cmd }} sync $directory "s3://${bucket_path}/${sec_grp}/${instance_id}-${ip}/"
$noop {{ aws_s3cmd }} --multipart-chunk-size-mb 5120 --disable-multipart sync $directory "s3://${bucket_path}/${sec_grp}/${instance_id}-${ip}/"
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