Commit bbd66c60 by e0d

Tasks to restart supervisor and supervisor managed jobs.

parent 0195e005
......@@ -6,3 +6,19 @@
- name: notifier | restart the notifier service
service: name=notifier state=restarted
- name: notifier | restart supervisor
service: name=supervisor state=restarted
- notifier | install notifier-celery-workers
- name: notifier | install notifier-celery-beat
supervisorctl: name=notifier-celery-beat state=present
- name: notifier | install notifier-celery-workers
supervisorctl: name=notifier-celery-workers state=present
- name: notifier | restart notifier-celery-beat
supervisorctl: name=notifier-celery-beat state=restarted
- name: notifier | restart notifier-celery-workers
supervisorctl: name=notifier-celery-workers state=restarted
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