Commit ba1bd1fc by Jacek Bzdak

Provisioning Jenkins for DSL jobs PR fixes

parent 428cd59b
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ This file needs to contain, at least, the following variables
#### Jenkins user password
You'll need to override default jenkins user password, please do that
You'll need to override default `jenkins` user password, please do that
as this sets up the **shell** password for this user.
You'll need to set both a plain password and a hashed one.
......@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ Variables used by command waiting on Jenkins start-up after running
Jenkins auth realm encapsulates user management in Jenkins, that is:
* What users are can log in
* What users can log in
* What credentials they use to log in
Realm type stored in `` variable.
In future we will try to enable other auth domains, while
preserving ability to run cli.
preserving the ability to run cli.
##### Unix Realm
......@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Seed job is configured in `jenkins_seed_job` variable, which has the following
* `name`: Name of the job in Jenkins.
* `time_trigger`: A Jenkins cron entry defining how often this job should ran.
* `time_trigger`: A Jenkins cron entry defining how often this job should run.
* `removed_job_action`: what to do when a job created by a previous run of seed job
is missing from current run. This can be either `DELETE` or`IGNORE`.
* `removed_view_action`: what to do when a view created by a previous run of seed job
......@@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ JENKINS_ANALYTICS_CREDENTIALS:
jenkins_credentials_root: '/tmp/credentials'
jenkins_credentials_file_dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/credentials.json"
jenkins_credentials_script: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/addCredentials.groovy"
jenkins_connection_retries: 240
jenkins_connection_delay: 1
- set_fact:
jenkins_credentials_root: '/tmp/credentials'
- set_fact:
jenkins_credentials_file_dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/credentials.json"
jenkins_credentials_script: "{{ jenkins_credentials_root }}/addCredentials.groovy"
- name: create credentials dir
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=directory
- name: upload groovy script
src: addCredentials.groovy
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
mode: "600"
- name: upload credentials file
src: credentials_file.json.j2
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_file_dest }}"
mode: "600"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
- name: add credentials
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "groovy {{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
- name: clean up
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=absent
- name: upload job file
template: src=seed_job_template.xml dest=/tmp/{{ job_name }} mode="600"
- name: check if job is present
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "get-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_ignore_cli_errors: yes
- set_fact:
get_job_output: "{{ jenkins_command_output }}"
- name: Create seed job if absent
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "create-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ job_name }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc != 0
- name: update seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "update-job {{ job_name }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ job_name }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc == 0
- name: Build the seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "build {{ job_name }} -s"
......@@ -20,20 +20,74 @@
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
group: "{{ jenkins_group }}"
# Unconditionally restart jenkins, this has two side-effects:
# Unconditionally restart Jenkins, this has two side-effects:
# 1. Jenkins uses new auth realm
# 2. We guarantee that jenkins is started (this is not certain
# as Jenkins is started by handlers from jenkins_master,
# these handlers are launched after this role.
# these handlers are launched after this role).
- name: restart Jenkins
service: name=jenkins state=restarted
- include: add_credentials.yaml
# Upload Jenkins credentials
- name: create seed job
include: create_seed_job.yaml
- name: create credentials dir
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=directory
- name: upload groovy script
src: addCredentials.groovy
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
mode: "600"
- name: upload credentials file
src: credentials_file.json.j2
dest: "{{ jenkins_credentials_file_dest }}"
mode: "600"
owner: "{{ jenkins_user }}"
- name: add credentials
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
job_name: "{{ }}"
job: "{{ jenkins_seed_job }}"
jenkins_command_string: "groovy {{ jenkins_credentials_script }}"
- name: clean up
file: name={{ jenkins_credentials_root }} state=absent
# Upload seed job
- name: upload job file
template: src=seed_job_template.xml dest=/tmp/{{ }} mode="600"
- name: check if job is present
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "get-job {{ }}"
jenkins_ignore_cli_errors: yes
- set_fact:
get_job_output: "{{ jenkins_command_output }}"
# Upload seed job to Jenkins
- name: Create seed job if absent
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "create-job {{ }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc != 0
- name: update seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "update-job {{ }}"
jenkins_command_prefix: "cat /tmp/{{ }} | "
when: get_job_output.rc == 0
# Build the seed job
- name: Build the seed job
include: execute_jenkins_cli.yaml
jenkins_command_string: "build {{ }} -s"
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
<url>{{ job.scm.url}}</url>
{% if job.scm.credential_id is defined and job.scm.credential_id %}
<credentialsId>{{ job.scm.credential_id }}</credentialsId>
<url>{{ jenkins_seed_job.scm.url}}</url>
{% if jenkins_seed_job.scm.credential_id is defined and jenkins_seed_job.scm.credential_id %}
<credentialsId>{{ jenkins_seed_job.scm.credential_id }}</credentialsId>
{% endif %}
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
<spec>{{ job.time_trigger }}</spec>
<spec>{{ jenkins_seed_job.time_trigger }}</spec>
......@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
<javaposse.jobdsl.plugin.ExecuteDslScripts plugin="job-dsl@1.43">
<targets>{{ job.scm.target_jobs }}</targets>
<targets>{{ jenkins_seed_job.scm.target_jobs }}</targets>
<removedJobAction>{{ job.removed_job_action }}</removedJobAction>
<removedViewAction>{{ job.removed_view_action }}</removedViewAction>
<removedJobAction>{{ jenkins_seed_job.removed_job_action }}</removedJobAction>
<removedViewAction>{{ jenkins_seed_job.removed_view_action }}</removedViewAction>
<additionalClasspath>{{ job.scm.additional_classpath }}</additionalClasspath>
<additionalClasspath>{{ jenkins_seed_job.scm.additional_classpath }}</additionalClasspath>
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