Commit b9be53c1 by John Jarvis

adding gh_users role

parent 1928b8c6
# gh_users
# Creates OS accounts for users based on their github credential.
# Takes a list gh_users as a parameter which is a list of users
# roles:
# - role: gh_users
# gh_users:
# - user: github_admin_username
# groups:
# - adm
# - user: another_github_username
# groups: !!null
- fail: gh_users list must be defined for this parameterized role
when: not gh_users
- name: gh_users | create local user for github user
name={{ item.user }}
groups={{ ",".join(item.groups) }}
with_items: gh_users
- name: gh_users | create .ssh directory
path=/home/{{ item.user }}/.ssh state=directory mode=0700
owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }}
with_items: gh_users
- name: gh_users | copy github key[s] to .ssh/authorized_keys
url={{ item.user }}.keys
dest=/home/{{ item.user }}/.ssh/authorized_keys mode=0600
owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }}
with_items: gh_users
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