Commit b5641cf8 by John Jarvis

trimming lms_debian_pkgs

parent e312a8a2
......@@ -293,77 +293,32 @@ sandbox_post_requirements: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx-sandbo
install_sandbox_reqs_into_regular_venv: true
- apparmor-utils
- aspell
# for compiling the virtualenv
# (only needed if wheel files aren't available)
- build-essential
- curl
- dvipng
- fabric
- g++
- gcc
- gfortran
- ghostscript
- github-cli
- graphviz
- s3cmd
- pkg-config
- graphviz-dev
- gunicorn
- inoticoming
- ipython
- libcrypt-ssleay-perl
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libdigest-sha-perl
- libfreetype6-dev
- libgeos-dev
- libgraphviz-dev
- libjpeg8-dev
- liblapack-dev
- liblwp-protocol-https-perl
- graphviz
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libnet-amazon-ec2-perl
- libpng12-dev
- libreadline-dev
- libreadline6-dev
- libssl-dev
- libswitch-perl
- libwww-perl
- libxml++2.6-dev
# for scipy
- gfortran
- libopenblas-dev
- liblapack-dev
- g++
- libxml2-dev
- libxml2-utils
- libxslt1-dev
- lynx-cur
- maven2
- mongodb-clients
- mysql-client
# apparmor
- apparmor-utils
# misc
- curl
- ipython
- npm
- ntp
- openjdk-7-jdk
- openjdk-7-jre
- pep8
- perl
- pkg-config
- postfix
- pylint
- python-boto
- python-coverage-test-runner
- python-django-nose
- python-jenkins
- python-nose
- python-nosexcover
- python-numpy
- python-pip
- python-scipy
- rake
- reprepro
- rsyslog
- rubygems
- sqlite3
- super
- vagrant
- yui-compressor
- zip
- zlib1g-dev
# Ruby Specific Vars
# for shapely
- libgeos-dev
# R by Specific Vars
ruby_base: /opt/www
rbenv_root: "{{ ruby_base }}/.rbenv"
ruby_version: "1.9.3-p374"
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