Commit a2bf90e3 by John Jarvis

changing workaround

parent a8df1341
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
# This is necessary for the local mysql5.5, not sure if this fix will ever get merged
# We should never do this in production
- name: mysql5.5 workaround - NOT FOR PRODUCTION
shell: sed -i -e 's/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=2047/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=254/' /opt/edx/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_openid_auth/
shell: sed -i -e 's/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=2047, unique=True/claimed_id = models.TextField(max_length=2047/' /opt/edx/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_openid_auth/
when: mysql5_workaround is defined
- name: syncdb and migrate
......@@ -5,10 +5,18 @@
local_action: ec2 keypair=$keypair group=$security_group instance_type=$instance_type image=$image wait=true region=$region
register: ec2
- name: Add new instance to host group
local_action: add_host hostname=${item.public_ip} groupname=launched
with_items: ${ec2.instances}
- name: Launch instance
module: ec2
keypair: $keypair
group: $security_group
instance_type: $instance_type
image: $image
wait: true
region: $region
instance_tags: $instance_tags
register: ec2
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
local_action: wait_for host=${item.public_dns_name} port=22 delay=60 timeout=320 state=started
with_items: ${ec2.instances}
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