Commit 9d5ebe11 by Renzo Lucioni

Specify queue to consume at worker startup

parent b5aa3c22
......@@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ export NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY='{{ NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY }}'
{% endif -%}
source {{ ecommerce_worker_home }}/{{ ecommerce_worker_service_name }}_env
{{ executable }} -A ecommerce_worker worker --app ecommerce_worker.celery_app:app --concurrency={{ ECOMMERCE_WORKER_CONCURRENCY }} --loglevel=info
{{ executable }} -A ecommerce_worker worker --app ecommerce_worker.celery_app:app --concurrency={{ ECOMMERCE_WORKER_CONCURRENCY }} --loglevel=info --queue=fulfillment
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