Commit 96fdb174 by Feanil Patel

Update dns tool to take the stack name.

parent e9fb73c8
Usage: create-zone vpc <vpc-id> create-zone (vpc <vpc_id> | stack-name <stack_name>) (-h --help) (-v --version)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Options:
import boto
from boto.route53.record import ResourceRecordSets
from docopt import docopt
from vpcutil import vpc_for_stack_name
class VPCDns:
......@@ -106,8 +107,13 @@ class VPCDns:
def dispatch(args):
vpc_id = args.get("<vpc-id>")
if args.get("vpc"):
vpc_id = args.get("<vpc_id>")
elif args.get("stack-name"):
stack_name = args.get("<stack_name>")
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name)
raise Exception("No vpc_id or stack_name provided.")
c = VPCDns(vpc_id=vpc_id)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Options:
import boto
from docopt import docopt
from vpcutil import vpc_for_stack_name
VERSION="vpc tools 0.1"
......@@ -43,13 +44,6 @@ def dispatch(args):
if args.get("ssh-config"):
def vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name):
cfn = boto.connect_cloudformation()
resources = cfn.list_stack_resources(stack_name)
for resource in resources:
if resource.resource_type == 'AWS::EC2::VPC':
return resource.physical_resource_id
def _ssh_config(args):
if args.get("vpc"):
vpc_id = args.get("<vpc_id>")
......@@ -57,7 +51,7 @@ def _ssh_config(args):
stack_name = args.get("<stack_name>")
vpc_id = vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name)
raise Exception("No way to know which vpc to query.")
raise Exception("No vpc_idao or stack_name provided.")
vpc = boto.connect_vpc()
import boto
def vpc_for_stack_name(stack_name):
cfn = boto.connect_cloudformation()
resources = cfn.list_stack_resources(stack_name)
for resource in resources:
if resource.resource_type == 'AWS::EC2::VPC':
return resource.physical_resource_id
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