Commit 92c5955e by Feanil Patel

Add fixes for tagging and in case no rules are specified.

parent 9ba8de02
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ except ImportError:
from boto.exception import NoAuthHandlerFound
PROTOCOL_NUMBERS = {"ICMP": 1, "TCP": 6, "UPD": 17}
PROTOCOL_NUMBERS = {"ICMP": 1, "TCP": 6, "UDP": 17, "ALL": -1 }
class DuplicateAclError(Exception):
......@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@ class ACLManager():
def create_rules(self):
if self.rules is None:
for rule in self.rules:
egress = True if rule['type'] == "egress" else False
protocol = PROTOCOL_NUMBERS[rule['protocol'].upper()]
......@@ -202,12 +203,10 @@ class ACLManager():
def do_tags(self):
if not self.tags:
tags = {'Name': self.acl_name}
for tag in self.tags:
tags[tag['key']] = tag['value']
if self.tags:
for tag in self.tags:
tags[tag['key']] = tag['value']
def present(self):
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