Commit 8c31e325 by Max Rothman

Merge pull request #2928 from edx/max/jenkins-analytics

Make jenkins_analytics install its required dependency
parents a89b79ce b97ca25f
# Usage: ansible-playbook -i jenkins-host, -e@path/to/jenkins-extra-vars.yml -e@path/to/secure.yml -e 'COMMON_ENABLE_NEWRELIC=false' -e 'COMMON_ENABLE_DATADOG=false'
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: all
sudo: True
......@@ -10,6 +10,10 @@
- jenkins-auth
- name: Install httplib2 (required by uri module used in this role)
name: httplib2
- name: generate jenkins user password
shell: "openssl passwd -1 '{{ jenkins_auth_realm.plain_password | quote }}'"
register: jenkins_user_password_hash
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