Commit 8a065a45 by Cory Lee

OPS-2532 Dont download tars if you already have them

parent 93c0aa38
......@@ -70,7 +70,12 @@ SPLUNK_DASHBOARDS: []
# e.g.
# - {{ role_path }}/../../../secure-repo/path/to/templates/template.xml.j2
SPLUNK_APP_S3_PATH: 's3://edx-splunk/apps'
# This is the bucket where splunk apps are stored
# A valid bucket name is not provided above because we dont want the bucket to be claimed by someone else
# example: s3://my-bucket-goes-here
SPLUNK_APP_DOWNLOAD_PATH: "{{ splunk_home }}/etc/apps/app_downloads"
# Source bucket for splunk apps
......@@ -171,14 +171,24 @@
- install
- install:configuration
- name: download app tars
shell: "aws s3 cp {{ SPLUNK_APP_S3_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }} {{ SPLUNK_APP_DOWNLOAD_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }}"
- name: discover existing app tars
shell: "test -f {{ SPLUNK_APP_DOWNLOAD_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }}"
register: app_present
- install
- install:configuration
- name: download missing tars
shell: "aws s3 cp {{ SPLUNK_APP_S3_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }} {{ SPLUNK_APP_DOWNLOAD_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }}"
- install
- install:configuration
when: item.rc != 0
- "{{ app_present.results }}"
- name: verify app checksums
shell: "echo \"{{ item.md5sum }} {{ SPLUNK_APP_DOWNLOAD_PATH }}/{{ item.file_name }}\" | md5sum -c --status"
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