Commit 8814a3a6 by Carson Gee

Merge pull request #431 from edx/cg/mongo_cluster_script_intelligence

Adds status checking and will add new or previously/accidentally removed
members to mongo clusters.
parents 3038bb94 02495076
......@@ -29,3 +29,22 @@ rs.initiate(config)
// Check that the cluster is ok
if(!rs.status().ok) { throw 'Mongo Cluster Not Ok';}
// Check that the cluster has the right number of members
// and add them if we are the master
if(rs.isMaster().ismaster) {
if(rs.status().members.length!={{ hosts|length }}) {
{% for host in mongo_cluster_members %}
rs.add({_id: {{ loop.index }}, host: '{{ host }}'});
{% endfor %}
// Check status and member account, throw exception if not
if(!rs.status().ok) { throw 'Mongo Cluster Not Ok';}
if(rs.status().members.length!={{ hosts|length }}) {
throw 'Could not add all members to cluster'
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