Commit 86056265 by Feanil Patel

Fix more ansible 2.0 var de-referencing.

parent 59ff55bd
......@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
regexp: "^{{ item.username }}"
line: "{{ item.password_hash.stdout }}"
- { username: GO_SERVER_ADMIN_USERNAME, password: GO_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD, password_hash: admin_user_password_line }
- { username: GO_SERVER_BACKUP_USERNAME, password: GO_SERVER_BACKUP_PASSWORD, password_hash: backup_user_password_line }
- { username: GO_SERVER_GOMATIC_USERNAME, password: GO_SERVER_GOMATIC_PASSWORD, password_hash: gomatic_user_password_line }
- { username: "{{ GO_SERVER_ADMIN_USERNAME }}", password: "{{ GO_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD }}", password_hash: "{{ admin_user_password_line }}" }
- { username: "{{ GO_SERVER_BACKUP_USERNAME }}", password: "{{ GO_SERVER_BACKUP_PASSWORD }}", password_hash: "{{ backup_user_password_line }}" }
- { username: "{{ GO_SERVER_GOMATIC_USERNAME }}", password: "{{ GO_SERVER_GOMATIC_PASSWORD }}", password_hash: "{{ gomatic_user_password_line }}" }
when: item.username and item.password and item.password_hash
- name: install ssh key for the secure repos
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