Commit 7a37100f by John Jarvis

updating branch for edx-platform and make package faster

parent 57e5c81d
......@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
- update
- name: install a bunch of system packages on which LMS and CMS rely
apt: pkg={{','.join(lms_debian_pkgs)}} state=present
apt: pkg={{item}} state=present
with_items: lms_debian_pkgs
- lms
- cms
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ edxapp_theme_version: 'HEAD'
# make this the public URL instead of writable
lms_version: 'HEAD'
lms_version: '5b16fbe3692d984517d870f5eec4c48c9bf1fe16'
local_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/local.txt"
pre_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/pre.txt"
post_requirements_file: "{{ edx_platform_code_dir }}/requirements/edx/post.txt"
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