Commit 79430ddc by Ben Patterson

Merge pull request #1813 from edx/benp/fix-test-build-srvr

Test with LanguageTest class; RegistrationTest class no longer exists.
parents 426ef04d 5dafba50
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ paver test_system -t cms/djangoapps/course_creators/tests/
paver test_js_run -s xmodule
# Run some of the bok-choy tests
paver test_bokchoy -t lms/
paver test_bokchoy -t lms/
paver test_bokchoy -t discussion/ --fasttest
paver test_bokchoy -t studio/ --fasttest
paver test_bokchoy -t lms/ --fasttest
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