Commit 73cdb8ef by Fred Smith

make compatible with Ubuntu 12.04

parent c48e6a28
......@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ sitespeedio_role_name: sitespeedio
# OS packages
sitespeedio_chrislea_ppa: "ppa:chris-lea/node.js"
- default-jre
- firefox
- npm
- nodejs-legacy
- nodejs
- xvfb
sitespeedio_redhat_pkgs: []
......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
# - sitespeedio
# adding chris-lea nodejs repo
- name: add ppas for current versions of nodejs
apt_repository: repo="{{ sitespeedio_chrislea_ppa }}"
# Install Sitespeed Dependencies
- name: install specific system packages
apt: pkg={{','.join(sitespeedio_debian_pkgs)}} state=present
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