Commit 6840d23b by Kevin Falcone

Merge pull request #2023 from edx/jibsheet/santize-data

Updates to santizing script to work with current data
parents 682fbf54 a8ce5105
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;
UPDATE auth_user
password = null;
password = '!';
UPDATE student_passwordhistory
password = null;
password = '!';
Rewrite all emails to used the SES simulator, simulating success.
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ UPDATE student_passwordhistory
UPDATE auth_user
email = concat('success+',cast(id AS CHAR),''),
username = concat('user-',cast(id AS CHAR)),
username = SUBSTRING(SHA1(CONCAT(username,CAST(id as CHAR))) FROM 1 FOR 30),
first_name = concat('user-',cast(id AS CHAR)),
last_name = concat('user-',cast(id AS CHAR)),
last_login = null,
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