Commit 6097e3c0 by Feanil Patel

Add some documentation.

parent 6d2b25b3
......@@ -12,14 +12,19 @@
# Tasks for role edx_vpc
# Overview:
# This role creates an opinionated vpc for containing cluster of edx services.
# Dependencies:
# It currently assumes that we will be multi-az, with a single NAT, and all
# traffic going over that NAT. A public subnet, and both public and private
# route tables are created by default that can be used by new services in this
# vpc. The public subnet should house ELBs and any newly created private subnets
# can use the existing private route table to be able to reach the internet from
# private machines.
# Example play:
# Example play:
# ansible-playbook -c local -i localhost, edx_vpc.yml -e@/Users/feanil/src/edx-secure/cloud_migrations/vpcs/test.yml
# DO NOT use the subnet or route table sections of this command.
# They will delete any subnets or rts not defined here which is
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