Commit 5dc5dc78 by John Jarvis

adds hostname to the logwatch for edp machines

parent 9ed225f3
......@@ -3,4 +3,7 @@ start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
chdir {{ newrelic_logwatch_dir }}
pre-start script
sed -i "s/HOSTNAME/$(hostname)/" {{ newrelic_logwatch_dir }}/config/newrelic_plugin.yml
end script
exec ruby newrelic_logwatcher_agent.rb
{% if SANDBOX_USERNAME is defined %}
{% set server_name = SANDBOX_USERNAME %}
{% else %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') %}
{% set server_name = COMMON_ENVIRONMENT|default('unknown-env') + '-' + COMMON_DEPLOYMENT|default('unknown-deployment') + '-HOSTNAME'%}
{% endif %}
{{ server_name }}-certs-errors:
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