Commit 5c9917f3 by syed-awais-ali

templates for indexes, props and savedsearches

parent 321470ea
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ homePath = {{ index.homePath }}
{% else %}
homePath = {{ splunk_hot_dir }}/{{ }}/db
{% endif %}
{% if index.maxTotalDataSizeMB is defined %}
maxTotalDataSizeMB = {{ index.maxTotalDataSizeMB }}
{% endif %}
{% if index.thawedPath is defined %}
thawedPath = {{ index.thawedPath }}
{% else %}
......@@ -27,9 +30,6 @@ home = {{ index.home }}
{% if index.enableDataIntegrityControl is defined %}
enableDataIntegrityControl = {{ index.enableDataIntegrityControl }}
{% endif %}
{% if index.maxTotalDataSizeMB is defined %}
maxTotalDataSizeMB = {{ index.maxTotalDataSizeMB }}
{% endif %}
{% if index.enableTsidxReduction is defined %}
enableTsidxReduction = {{ index.enableTsidxReduction }}
{% endif %}
......@@ -4,8 +4,43 @@
{% elif 'sourcetype' in extraction %}
[{{ extraction.sourcetype }}]
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.break_before is defined%}
BREAK_ONLY_BEFORE = {{ extraction.break_before }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.max_events is defined%}
MAX_EVENTS = {{ extraction.max_events }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.datetime_config is defined %}
DATETIME_CONFIG = {{ extraction.datetime_config }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.indexed_extractions is defined %}
INDEXED_EXTRACTIONS = {{ extraction.indexed_extractions }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.no_binary_check is defined %}
NO_BINARY_CHECK = {{ extraction.no_binary_check }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.timestamp_fields is defined %}
TIMESTAMP_FIELDS = {{ extraction.timestamp_fields }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.category is defined %}
category = {{ extraction.category }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.description is defined %}
description = {{ extraction.description }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.disabled is defined %}
disabled = {{ extraction.disabled }}
{% endif %}
{% if extraction.pulldown_type is defined %}
pulldown_type = {{ extraction.pulldown_type }}
{% endif %}
{% if is defined %}
EXTRACT-{{ }} = {{ extraction.regex }}
{% endif %}
{% if 'sourcetype' in extraction and extraction.sourcetype == "build_log" %}
EXTRACT-run-results = Setting status of .* and message: 'Build finished. (?P<num_run>\d+) tests run, (?P<num_skipped>\d+) skipped, (?P<num_failed>\d+) failed.
EXTRACT-error_msg = \n?ERROR: (?P<error_msg>[^\n]*)
EXTRACT-buildResult = Finished: (?P<buildResult>[A-Z]+)$
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{% for search in SPLUNK_ALERTS %}
[{{ }}]
{% if is defined %} = 1 = {{ }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.email_format is defined %} = {{ search.email_format }}
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ = {{ search.search_mode }}
{% if search.auto_summarize is defined %}
auto_summarize = {{ search.auto_summarize }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.suppress is defined and not search.suppress %}
{% if search.suppress is defined %}
alert.suppress = {{ search.suppress }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.description is defined %}
......@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ displayview = {{ search.displayview }}
request.ui_dispatch_view = {{ search.dispatchview }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.schedule is defined %}
schedule = {{ search.schedule }}
cron_schedule = {{ search.schedule }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.enableSched is defined %}
enableSched = {{ search.enableSched }}
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ quantity = {{ search.quantity }}
{% if search.time is defined %}
dispatch.earliest_time = {{ search.time }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.realation is defined %}
{% if search.relation is defined %}
relation = {{ search.relation }}
{% endif %}
{% if search.dispatch_earliest_time is defined %}
......@@ -237,4 +237,5 @@ search = {{ }}
{% if search.vsid is defined %}
vsid = {{ search.vsid }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
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