Commit 5aaa59e3 by Vik Paruchuri

Fix naming issues

parent 52e842ac
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
sudo: True
#Create directories for repos
- name: create discern directory and set permissions
- name: create discern and ease directories and set permissions
file: path={{item}} owner={{remote_user}} group=edx mode=2775 state=directory
sudo: True
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
#Run this instead of using the ansible module because the ansible module only support syncdb of these three, and does not
#support virtualenvs as of this comment
- name: django syncdb for discern
- name: django syncdb, migrate, and collectstatic for discern
shell: ${venv_dir}/bin/python {{discern_dir}}/ {{item}} --noinput --settings={{discern_settings}} --pythonpath={{discern_dir}}
- syncdb
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