Commit 57bfd870 by Feanil Patel

Fix script to match the jenkins job.

Connect sandbox to prod-clone didn't retain the edxapp version even though
it asked the user for it in the jenkins job.
parent 9b524726
......@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
- name: call update on edx-platform
shell: >
/edx/bin/update edx-platform master
/edx/bin/update edx-platform {{ edxapp_version }}
tags: update_edxapp_mysql_host
......@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ if [[ -z $sandbox_to_update ]]; then
cd $WORKSPACE/configuration/playbooks/edx-east
ansible-playbook connect_sandbox.yml -i $sandbox_to_update, -e@${WORKSPACE}/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/clone-db.yml -e EDXAPP_MYSQL_HOST=$EDXAPP_MYSQL_HOST --user ubuntu -v
ansible-playbook connect_sandbox.yml -i $sandbox_to_update, -e@${WORKSPACE}/configuration-secure/ansible/vars/clone-db.yml -e EDXAPP_MYSQL_HOST=$EDXAPP_MYSQL_HOST -e edxapp_version=${edxapp_version} --user ubuntu -v
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