Commit 55165f8d by Feanil Patel Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #3599 from edx/feanil/credentials-16.04

Feanil/credentials 16.04
parents 93182477 0c34bcab
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# This allows the dockerfile to update /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible
# with the currently checked-out configuration repo.
FROM edxops/trusty-common:latest
FROM edxops/xenial-common:latest
......@@ -11,11 +11,25 @@ case $COMMAND in
{{ supervisor_venv_bin }}/supervisord --configuration {{ supervisor_cfg }}
# Needed to run bower as root. See explaination around 'discovery_user=root'
echo '{ "allow_root": true }' > /root/.bowerrc
cd /edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible/docker/plays
/edx/app/edx_ansible/venvs/edx_ansible/bin/ansible-playbook credentials.yml -c local -i ',' \
-t 'install:app-requirements,assets:gather,devstack,migrate,manage:start' \
-t 'install:app-requirements,assets:gather,devstack,migrate' \
--extra-vars="migrate_db=yes" \
--extra-vars="@/ansible_overrides.yml" \
--extra-vars="credentials_user=root" # Needed when sharing the volume with the host machine because node/bower drops
# everything in the code directory by default. So we get issues with permissions
# on folders owned by the developer.
# Need to start supervisord and nginx manually because systemd is hard to run on docker
# Both daemon by default
/edx/app/supervisor/venvs/supervisor/bin/supervisord --configuration /edx/app/supervisor/supervisord.conf
# Docker requires an active foreground task. Tail the logs to appease Docker and
# provide useful output for development.
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