Commit 4eb78c91 by Feanil Patel

Move the platform checkout and related tasks to deploy.yml

parent 2dacc8d9
......@@ -8,8 +8,75 @@
- cms
- deploy
# Do A Checkout
- name: git checkout edx-platform repo into $app_base_dir
git: dest={{platform_code_dir}} repo={{lms_source_repo}} version={{lms_version}}
GIT_SSH: /tmp/
- lms
- cms
- install
# Do Post Checkout Tasks.
- name: create platform code dir
file: path={{platform_code_dir}} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data mode=755
- lms
- cms
- install
- name: sets permissions on platform code dir and contents
file: path={{platform_code_dir}} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data recurse=yes
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the python pre requirements into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python pre-requirements
pip: requirements="{{pre_requirements_file}}" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the python modules into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install base python packages using the shell
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ base_requirements_file }}
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the python post requirements into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-requirements
pip: requirements="{{post_requirements_file}}" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the final python modules into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-post requirements using the shell
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
- "{{ repo_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ local_requirements_file }}"
- lms
- cms
- install
# This checks needs to be run to see if rake can be used but its failure should not stop the run.
- name: check if rake gather_assets is available
......@@ -53,29 +53,6 @@
- lms
- cms
- name: git checkout edx-platform repo into $app_base_dir
git: dest={{platform_code_dir}} repo={{lms_source_repo}} version={{lms_version}}
GIT_SSH: /tmp/
- lms
- cms
- install
- name: create platform code dir
file: path={{platform_code_dir}} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data mode=755
- lms
- cms
- install
- name: sets permissions on platform code dir and contents
file: path={{platform_code_dir}} state=directory owner=www-data group=www-data recurse=yes
- lms
- cms
- install
- name: install a bunch of system packages on which LMS and CMS rely
apt: pkg={{item}} state=present
with_items: lms_debian_pkgs
......@@ -85,49 +62,6 @@
- install
# Install the python pre requirements into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python pre-requirements
pip: requirements="{{pre_requirements_file}}" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the python modules into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install base python packages using the shell
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ base_requirements_file }}
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the python post requirements into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-requirements
pip: requirements="{{post_requirements_file}}" virtualenv="{{venv_dir}}" state=present
- lms
- cms
- install
# Install the final python modules into {{ venv_dir }}
- name : install python post-post requirements using the shell
# Need to use shell rather than pip so that we can maintain the context of our current working directory; some
# requirements are pathed relative to the edx-platform repo. Using the pip from inside the virtual environment implicitly
# installs everything into that virtual environment.
shell: cd {{ platform_code_dir }} && {{ venv_dir }}/bin/pip install --use-mirrors -r {{ item }}
- "{{ repo_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ github_requirements_file }}"
- "{{ local_requirements_file }}"
- lms
- cms
- install
- include: lms.yml
when: "'lms' in service_variants_enabled"
- include: lms-xml.yml
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