Commit 4b69defb by Feanil Patel

A working rabbitmq role.

The role finally bring up the rabbit nodes in cluster mode and
adds/removes users correctly.
parent a9a8b5d6
# Tasks related to setting up the rabbitmq machines
- name: create a rabbitmq group
group: name=rabbitmq
- name: install rabbitmq
apt: pkg={{rabbitmq_pkg}} state=present
- name: create a rabbitmq user
user: name=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq
# Defaulting to /var/lib/rabbitmq
- name: crate cookie directory
file: path={{rabbitmq_cookie_dir}} owner=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq mode=0755 state=directory
- name: add rabbitmq erlang cookie
template: src=erlang.cookie.j2 dest=/home/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie owner=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq mode=0400
- name: add rabbitmq erlang cookie
template: src=erlang.cookie.j2 dest={{rabbitmq_cookie_location}} owner=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq mode=0400
# Defaulting to /etc/rabbitmq
- name: create rabbitmq directory
file: path={{rabbitmq_config_dir}} owner=root group=root mode=0755 state=directory
- name: add rabbitmq environment configuration
template: src=rabbitmq-env.conf.j2 dest={{rabbitmq_config_dir}}/rabbitmq-env.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: add rabbitmq cluster configuration
template: src=rabbitmq.config.j2 dest={{rabbitmq_config_dir}}/rabbitmq.config owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: add rabbitmq environment configuration
template: src=rabbitmq-env.conf.j2 dest={{rabbitmq_config_dir}}/rabbitmq-env.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644
- name: install rabbitmq
apt: pkg={{rabbitmq_pkg}} state=present
- name: crate cookie directory
file: path={{rabbitmq_cookie_dir}} owner=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq mode=0755 state=directory
- name: stop rabbit cluster
service: name="rabbitmq-server" state=stopped
- name: add rabbitmq erlang cookie
template: src=erlang.cookie.j2 dest={{rabbitmq_cookie_location}} owner=rabbitmq group=rabbitmq mode=0400
# For some reason this needs to be run from the shell. Running it via the
# service module produces inconsintent results.
- name: kill rabbit nodes
shell: executable=/bin/bash killall epmd beam
ignore_errors: True
- testit
- name: start rabbit nodes
shell: executable=/bin/bash service rabbitmq-server start
- testit
- name: remove guest user
rabbitmq_user: user="guest" state=absent
ignore_errors: True
- name: add admin users
rabbitmq_user: user='{{}}' password='{{item.password}}' tags="administrator" state=present
with_items: rabbitmq_auth_config.admins
when: "'admins' in rabbitmq_auth_config"
ignore_errors: True
# Verify user changes
- name: get rabbit user list
command: rabbitmqctl list_users
register: rabbitmq_users
- name: start rabbit cluster
service: name="rabbitmq-server" state=restarted
- name: check all expected users exist.
command: rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions {{}}
with_items: rabbitmq_auth_config.admins
- name: delete guest user
command: rabbitmqctl delete_user guest
when: rabbitmq_users.stdout.contains("guest")
- name: make sure guest has been removed
fail: "Guest user still has an account."
when: "'guest' in rabbitmq_users"
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