Commit 4b160f3f by Ned Batchelder

Add show-repo-heads script for helping with diagnosis

parent 28792da5
......@@ -35,6 +35,23 @@
- install
- install:configuration
- name: create show-repo-heads script
template: >
dest={{ edx_ansible_app_dir}}/show-repo-heads
src=show-repo-heads.j2 owner={{ edx_ansible_user }} group={{ edx_ansible_user }} mode=755
- install
- install:configuration
- name: create a symlink for show-repo-heads script
file: >
src={{ edx_ansible_app_dir }}/show-repo-heads
dest={{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/show-repo-heads
- install
- install:configuration
- name: create a symlink for ansible-playbook
file: >
src={{ edx_ansible_venv_bin }}/ansible-playbook
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Display the head commit for all our git repos
# Look in .git directories. Only two levels down to avoid virtualenvs.
for d in {{ COMMON_APP_DIR }}/*/*/.git; do
d=$(dirname $d)
echo "---- $d ----"
git -C $d log -1 --format='%ci (%h) %cn: %s %d'
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