Commit 4a819361 by Jesse Shapiro Committed by GitHub

Allow optional user provisioning failures (#7)

parent 892587b3
......@@ -77,10 +77,12 @@
python_path: /edx/bin/python.edxapp
manage_path: /edx/bin/manage.edxapp
ignore_user_creation_errors: no
deployment_settings: "{{ EDXAPP_SETTINGS | default('aws') }}"
- name: Manage groups
shell: >
{{ python_path }} {{ manage_path }} lms --settings=aws
{{ python_path }} {{ manage_path }} lms --settings={{ deployment_settings }}
manage_group {{ | quote }}
{% if item.get('permissions', []) | length %}--permissions {{ item.permissions | default([]) | map('quote') | join(' ') }}{% endif %}
{% if item.get('remove') %}--remove{% endif %}
......@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@
- name: Manage users
shell: >
{{ python_path }} {{ manage_path }} lms --settings=aws
{{ python_path }} {{ manage_path }} lms --settings={{ deployment_settings }}
manage_user {{ item.username | quote }} {{ | quote }}
{% if item.get('groups', []) | length %}--groups {{ item.groups | default([]) | map('quote') | join(' ') }}{% endif %}
{% if item.get('remove') %}--remove{% endif %}
......@@ -97,3 +99,17 @@
{% if item.get('unusable_password') %}--unusable-password{% endif %}
{% if item.get('initial_password_hash') %}--initial-password-hash {{ item.initial_password_hash | quote }}{% endif %}
with_items: django_users
ignore_errors: yes
register: manage_users_result
# Note that we're doing something a bit odd with this play. Unfortunately, it appears that the
# version of Ansible we're using (1.9.3-edx as of October 2016) does not support variable statements
# in the `ignore_errors` field. As a result, we're capturing the result of that play, and using it
# to determine if we execute an explicit `fail` play.
- name: "Managing users fails on error unless {{ ignore_user_creation_errors }}"
fail: item
- item|failed
- not ignore_user_creation_errors | bool
with_items: manage_users_result.results
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