Commit 4a436a3f by Michael Youngstrom Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #4123 from edx/youngstrom/jenkins_build

Remove jenkins_build play script override
parents 0b52055b c21b0d3a
......@@ -61,21 +61,7 @@
- role: datadog
- role: jenkins_build
- 1addJarsToClasspath.groovy
- 2checkInstalledPlugins.groovy
- 3importCredentials.groovy
- 3mainConfiguration.groovy
- 3shutdownCLI.groovy
- 4configureEc2Plugin.groovy
- 4configureGHOAuth.groovy
- 4configureGHPRB.groovy
- 4configureGit.groovy
- 4configureHipChat.groovy
- 4configureJobConfigHistory.groovy
- 4configureMailerPlugin.groovy
- 5createLoggers.groovy
- jenkins_build
# run just the splunkforwarder role by using '--tags "splunkonly"'
# e.g. ansible-playbook jenkins_testeng_master.yml -i inventory.ini --tags "splunkonly" -vvvv
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ build_jenkins_configuration_scripts:
- 4configureJobConfigHistory.groovy
- 4configureMailerPlugin.groovy
- 4configureMaskPasswords.groovy
- 5addSeedJob.groovy
- 5createLoggers.groovy
# plugins
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