Commit 4667db44 by John Jarvis

setting the dev security group for rds instances not in the vpc

parent c0f09129
......@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ SG_GROUPS = {
# This group must already be created
# and allows for full access to port
# 3306. this group is assigned temporarily
# 3306 from within the vpc.
# This group is assigned temporarily
# for cleaning the db
......@@ -135,7 +136,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if args.stack_name:
modify_args['vpc_security_group_ids'] = [SG_GROUPS[args.stack_name], SG_GROUPS_FULL[args.stack_name]]
modify_args['db_security_groups'] = ['open']
# dev-edx is the default security group for dbs that
# are not in the vpc, it allows connections from the various
# NAT boxes and from sandboxes
modify_args['db_security_groups'] = ['dev-edx']
# Update the db immediately
rds.modify_db_instance(restore_dbid, **modify_args)
......@@ -178,8 +182,5 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
print("Running {}".format(dns_cmd))
# remove full mysql access from within the vpc
if args.stack_name:
rds.modify_db_instance(restore_dbid, vpc_security_group_ids=[SG_GROUPS[args.stack_name]])
rds.modify_db_instance(restore_dbid, db_security_groups=[])
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