Commit 3d7ed529 by Feanil Patel

Change the sudo permissions for sandbox.

Instead of rm directly we now do a find.
parent bb1e7e16
{% if devstack %} {% if devstack %}
{{ edxapp_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:{{ edxapp_sandbox_venv_dir }}/bin/python {{ edxapp_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:{{ edxapp_sandbox_venv_dir }}/bin/python
{{ edxapp_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:/bin/rm /tmp/codejail-*/tmp {{ edxapp_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/find /tmp/codejail-*/tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec rm -rf {} ;
{{ edxapp_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/kill {{ edxapp_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/kill
{{ edxapp_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pkill {{ edxapp_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pkill
{% else %} {% else %}
{{ common_web_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:{{ edxapp_sandbox_venv_dir }}/bin/python {{ common_web_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:{{ edxapp_sandbox_venv_dir }}/bin/python
{{ common_web_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:/bin/rm /tmp/codejail-*/tmp {{ common_web_user }} ALL=({{ edxapp_sandbox_user }}) SETENV:NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/find /tmp/codejail-*/tmp -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec rm -rf {} ;
{{ common_web_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/kill {{ common_web_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/bin/kill
{{ common_web_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pkill {{ common_web_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/pkill
{% endif %} {% endif %}
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