Commit 38cf9334 by John Jarvis

updates to syncing s3 logs and cron jobs

* Create an upstart job that is run after supervisor stops to sync logs
* Syncs trakcing logs before application logs
* stderr and stdout go to /dev/null so we don't fill up root's mailbox
parent c0854a19
......@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ AWS_S3_LOGS_FROM_EMAIL:
# You should be overriding the environment and deployment vars
# Order of precedence is left to right for exclude and include options
- bucket: "edx-{{ COMMON_ENVIRONMENT }}-{{ COMMON_DEPLOYMENT }}/logs/tracking"
path: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/tracking/*"
- bucket: "edx-{{ COMMON_ENVIRONMENT }}-{{ COMMON_DEPLOYMENT }}/logs/application"
path: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/!(*tracking*)"
- bucket: "edx-{{ COMMON_ENVIRONMENT }}-{{ COMMON_DEPLOYMENT }}/logs/system"
path: "/var/log/*"
- bucket: "edx-{{ COMMON_ENVIRONMENT }}-{{ COMMON_DEPLOYMENT }}/logs/tracking"
path: "{{ COMMON_LOG_DIR }}/tracking/*"
# vars are namespace with the module name.
......@@ -84,18 +84,19 @@
dest={{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/{{ aws_s3_sync_script|basename }}
when: AWS_S3_LOGS
- name: run s3 log sync script on shutdown
file: >
src={{ COMMON_BIN_DIR }}/send-logs-to-s3
- name: run s3 log sync script on supervisor shutdown
template: >
owner=root group=root mode=0644
when: AWS_S3_LOGS
# cron job runs the aws s3 sync script
# this job will log its output to /var/log/aws
- name: cronjob for s3 log sync
cron: >
name="cronjob for s3 log sync"
job={{ aws_s3_sync_script }}
name: "cronjob for s3 log sync"
user: root
minute: 0
job: "{{ aws_s3_sync_script }} > /dev/null 2>&1"
when: AWS_S3_LOGS
......@@ -13,6 +13,10 @@ fi
exec > >(tee "{{ aws_s3_logfile }}")
exec 2>&1
# s3cmd sync requires a valid home
# directory
export HOME=/
shopt -s extglob
usage() {
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
- name: set up a cron job to run the script
job="{{ rabbitmq_app_dir }}/"
name: "log-queue-lenghts"
job: "{{ rabbitmq_app_dir }}/ >/dev/null 2>&1"
# Defaulting to /var/lib/rabbitmq
- name: create cookie directory
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