Commit 2fdaedc8 by John Jarvis

Merge pull request #853 from edx/jarv/provision-bare-ubuntu

Jarv/provision bare ubuntu
parents 90f720c2 c6266ed0
......@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
# Role includes for role edx_ansible
- common
- aws
......@@ -78,10 +78,16 @@
# Check to see if the ssl cert/key exists before copying.
# This extra check is done to prevent failures when
# ansible-playbook is run locally
- stat: path={{ NGINX_SSL_CERTIFICATE }}
- local_action:
module: stat
sudo: False
register: ssl_cert
- stat: path={{ NGINX_SSL_KEY }}
- local_action:
module: stat
path: "{{ NGINX_SSL_KEY }}"
sudo: False
register: ssl_key
- name: copy ssl cert
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ EOF
# run the tasks to launch an ec2 instance from AMI
cat $extra_vars
ansible-playbook edx_provision.yml -i inventory.ini -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu
ansible-playbook edx_provision.yml -i inventory.ini -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu -v
if [[ $server_type == "full_edx_installation" ]]; then
# additional tasks that need to be run if the
......@@ -202,18 +202,20 @@ done
# If reconfigure was selected or if starting from an ubuntu 12.04 AMI
# run non-deploy tasks for all roles
if [[ $reconfigure == "true" || $server_type == "ubuntu_12.04" ]]; then
if [[ $reconfigure == "true" ]]; then
cat $extra_vars
ansible-playbook edx_continuous_integration.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu --skip-tags deploy
# Run deploy tasks for the roles selected
for i in $roles; do
if [[ ${deploy[$i]} == "true" ]]; then
cat $extra_vars
ansible-playbook ${i}.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu --tags deploy
if [[ $server_type == "full_edx_installation" ]]; then
# Run deploy tasks for the roles selected
for i in $roles; do
if [[ ${deploy[$i]} == "true" ]]; then
cat $extra_vars
ansible-playbook ${i}.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu --tags deploy
# deploy the edx_ansible role
ansible-playbook edx_ansible.yml -i "${deploy_host}," -e "@${extra_vars}" --user ubuntu
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