Commit 2bc8c027 by John Jarvis

updating the rolling upgrade example to use the new module

parent e4146b31
......@@ -8,21 +8,20 @@
- name: Gathering ec2 facts
- name: Gathering ELB facts
local_action: ec2_elb_facts
# These two modules "ec2_facts" and "ec2_elb_facts" are invoked in the
# pre_tasks and give us the $elbs and $ansible_ec2_isntance_id facts
# which are variables that can be used in the playbook
- local_action: command util/ -e {{ ",".join(elbs[ansible_ec2_instance_id]) }} -i {{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }} deregister
# -e is the list of elbs that the current instances belong to and -i is
# the instance "active_elbs" are the elbs that are passed in.
- name: Removing instance from the ELB
local_action: ec2_elb
instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
state: 'absent'
- common
- nginx
- lms
# - ruby
- ruby
- local_action: command util/ -e {{ ",".join(elbs[ansible_ec2_instance_id]) }} -i {{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }} register
# Register will pass in the same elb list and the same instance id
# to add it back to the pool
- name: Adding instance back to the ELB
local_action: ec2_elb
instance_id: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
ec2_elbs: "{{ ec2_elbs }}"
state: 'present'
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