Commit 25fa3883 by e0d

upcasing version var

parent 67ee0a18
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ xqwatcher_data_dir: "{{ xqwatcher_home }}/data"
xqwatcher_source_repo: "git@{{ COMMON_GIT_MIRROR }}:edx/xqueue-watcher.git"
xqwatcher_git_ssh_opts: "-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i {{ xqwatcher_git_identity }}"
xqwatcher_version: "master"
xqwatcher_git_identity: "{{ xqwatcher_app_dir }}/git-identity"
xqwatcher_requirements_file: "{{ xqwatcher_code_dir }}/requirements.txt"
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
- name: checkout watcher code
git: >
dest={{ xqwatcher_code_dir }} repo={{ xqwatcher_source_repo }} version={{ xqwatcher_version }}
dest={{ xqwatcher_code_dir }} repo={{ xqwatcher_source_repo }} version={{ XQWATCHER_VERSION }}
ssh_opts="{{ xqwatcher_git_ssh_opts }}"
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