Commit 2336b8cf by John Jarvis

add pages to api query

parent 93d7204e
......@@ -43,14 +43,19 @@ def refresh_cache():
repos = []
for org in orgs:
r = requests.get('{}/repos'.format(org))
org_data = r.json()
for repo_data in org_data:
if 'html_url' in repo_data:
repos.append({'html_url': repo_data['html_url'],
'name': repo_data['name'],
'org': repo_data['owner']['login']})
page = 1
while True:
r = requests.get('{}/repos?page={}'.format(org, page))
org_data = r.json()
# request pages until we get zero results
if not isinstance(org_data, list) or len(org_data) == 0:
for repo_data in org_data:
if 'html_url' in repo_data:
repos.append({'html_url': repo_data['html_url'],
'name': repo_data['name'],
'org': repo_data['owner']['login']})
page += 1
with open('/var/tmp/repos.json', 'wb') as f:
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