- All of the following changes are BACKWARDS-INCOMPATABLE:
- Renamed two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and SEGMENT_IO_KEY to SEGMENT_KEY in {lms|cms].auth.json.
- Renamed two top level variables in roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml. EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS_KEY and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_KEY are now EDXAPP_LMS_SEGMENT_KEY and EDXAPP_CMS_SEGMENT_KEY respectively
- REMOVED two top level variables SEGMENT_IO_LMS and SEGMENT_IO from {lms|cms].auth.json. We will use the existence of the SEGMENT_KEY to to serve the same function that these boolean variables served.
- REMOVED two top level variables EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO_LMS and EDXAPP_SEGMENT_IO from roles/edxapp/defaults/main.yml.
- Updated ansible fork to be based on ansible 1.9.3rc1 instead of 1.9.1
- Updated ansible fork to be based on ansible 1.9.3rc1 instead of 1.9.1