Commit 151e0685 by Sef Kloninger

Add overview info and warning to west/README (per @jrbl)

parent dff16283
This doc is a useful place to keep commands in a handy place. Keep Readme
in mind that this is a public repo so we shouldn't store anything ------
confidential in here.
This directory has the live playbooks that we use here at Stanford to
maintain our instance of OpenEdX at [][c]. We check
it in to this public repo since we think that others might benefit from
seeing how we are configured.
That said, we haven't documented things in here well, so we have no
expectation that others will be able to make enough sense of this to
give us useful contributions back. Generally a PR affecting files in
here will be ignored / rejected.
This README is a useful proximate place to keep commands. But it is
a public repo so we shouldn't store anything confidential in here.
Other install docs: Other install docs:
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