Commit 12bf9562 by Jason Bau

Some minor ruby role changes

moved creation of /opt/www and www user into ruby role
parent 6789632b
- name: Create 'www' user (replicating historical environment)
user: name=www state=present
sudo: True
- name: Create 'edx' users group
group: name=edx state=present
sudo: True
#cribbed from
- name: Create 'www' user (replicating historical environment)
user: name=www state=present
sudo: True
- name: Create ruby base
sudo: True
file: path=$ruby_base state=directory owner=www group=www
......@@ -73,9 +76,9 @@
sudo: true
when_failed: $ruby_installed
- name: gem | gem install bundle
- name: gem | gem install bundler
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${rbenv_root}/shims/gem install bundle chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
sudo: true
- name: bundle | bundle install
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${gem_home}/bin/bundle install chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
shell: RBENV_ROOT=${rbenv_root} GEM_HOME=${gem_home} ${gem_home}/bin/bundle install --deployment --binstubs chdir=${app_base_dir}/mitx
export RBENV_ROOT="{{ rbenv_root }}"
export GEM_HOME="{{ gem_home }}"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
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