Commit 11a1ffa9 by Xavier Antoviaque

rabbitmq-atp-update: Fixes "Failed to find required executable rabbitmq-plugins"

Without the `apt-get update`, the apt cache is out of date while attempting to install
rabbitmq. An older version from the Ubuntu repo is installed instead of the one from
the rabbit repository, which makes the role fail later on with:

TASK: [rabbitmq | install plugins] ********************************************
failed: [] => {"failed": true, "item": ""}
msg: Failed to find required executable rabbitmq-plugins
parent c0f89f72
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
apt_repository: repo="{{rabbitmq_repository}}" state=present
- name: rabbitmq | install rabbitmq
apt: pkg={{rabbitmq_pkg}} state=present
apt: pkg={{rabbitmq_pkg}} state=present update_cache=yes
- name: rabbitmq | stop rabbit cluster
service: name=rabbitmq-server state=stopped
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