fix the yaml error

parent 08b2d5ae
......@@ -75,10 +75,9 @@
- name: MySQL connector installed
shell: >
"cp mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar {{ SQOOP_LIB }} &&
chown {{ hadoop_common_user }}:{{ hadoop_common_group }} {{ SQOOP_LIB }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar"
chdir: "/{{ sqoop_temporary_dir }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}"
chdir=/{{ sqoop_temporary_dir }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}
cp mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar {{ SQOOP_LIB }} &&
chown {{ hadoop_common_user }}:{{ hadoop_common_group }} {{ SQOOP_LIB }}/mysql-connector-java-{{ SQOOP_MYSQL_CONNECTOR_VERSION }}-bin.jar
when: not installed.stat.exists
- name: Configuration installed
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