Commit 08963ce6 by Sef Kloninger

json syntax fix; standardize env names to {dev, stage, prod}

parent bdc7af57
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"Description":"A tag value applied to the hosts in the VPC indicating which environment to use during the configuration phase, e.g., development, stage, production",
"Description":"A tag value applied to the hosts in the VPC indicating which environment to use during the configuration phase, e.g., dev, stage, prod",
......@@ -3162,7 +3162,7 @@
}, " ",
"--cache-parameter-group-name default.memcached1.4 "
"--cache-parameter-group-name default.memcached1.4 ",
"--auto-minor-version-upgrade true ",
"--cache-subnet-group-name ", { "Ref":"EdxVPC" },"-ElasticCacheSubnetGroup"
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