Commit 082189ff by Feanil Patel

Turn off new IDA migration checks because they aren't working correctly right now.

parent 8d26b3ed
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ MIGRATION_COMMANDS = {
'lms': "{python} {code_dir}/ lms migrate --noinput --settings=aws --db-dry-run --merge",
'cms': "{python} {code_dir}/ cms migrate --noinput --settings=aws --db-dry-run --merge",
'xqueue': "{python} {code_dir}/ xqueue migrate --noinput --settings=aws --db-dry-run --merge",
'ecommerce': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
'insights': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
'analytics_api': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list"
# 'ecommerce': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
# 'insights': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list",
# 'analytics_api': ". {env_file}; {python} {code_dir}/ migrate --noinput --list"
HIPCHAT_USER = "PreSupervisor"
......@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
"analytics_api": {'python': args.analytics_api_python, 'env_file': args.analytics_api_env, 'code_dir': args.analytics_api_code_dir}
if service in new_services and all(arg!=None for arg in new_services[service].values()):
if service in new_services and all(arg!=None for arg in new_services[service].values()) and service in MIGRATION_COMMANDS:
serv_vars = new_services[service]
cmd = MIGRATION_COMMANDS[service].format(**serv_vars)
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