Commit 05f852a9 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #1341 from edx/feanil/xml_updates

Don't remove the git repos just exclude them from the tar file.
parents 5b7676d4 0aae4fe8
......@@ -58,13 +58,8 @@
when: item.disposition == "import"
- name: delete .git repos
file: path="{{ edxapp_course_data_dir }}/{{ item.repo_name }}/.git" state=absent
when: item.disposition == "on disk" or item.disposition == "no static import"
- name: create an archive of course data and course static dirs
shell: tar czf /tmp/static_course_content.tar.gz -C {{ edxapp_data_dir }} {{ edxapp_course_data_dir|basename }} {{ edxapp_course_static_dir|basename }}
shell: tar czf /tmp/static_course_content.tar.gz -C {{ edxapp_data_dir }} --exclude ".git" {{ edxapp_course_data_dir|basename }} {{ edxapp_course_static_dir|basename }}
- name: upload archive to s3
s3: >
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