Commit 02ced508 by Feanil Patel

Merge pull request #1410 from edx/feanil/increase_worker_timeout

Increase how long supervisor waits for workers to stop.
parents ce2c55ee 10ac0373
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ stderr_logfile={{ supervisor_log_dir }}/%(program_name)-stderr.log
command={{ edxapp_venv_bin}}/python {{ edxapp_code_dir }}/ {{ w.service_variant }} --settings=aws celery worker --loglevel=info --queues=edx.{{ w.service_variant }}.core.{{ w.queue }} --hostname=edx.{{ w.service_variant }}.core.{{ w.queue }}.{{ ansible_hostname }} --concurrency={{ w.concurrency }}
{% endfor %}
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