Commit 001371b0 by Edward Zarecor

Removing dead code

parent 41226541
# consul:
# container_name: consul
# image: progrium/consul
# command: -server -bootstrap -ui-dir /ui -domain edx.
# ports:
# - 8300:8300
# - 8400:8400
# - 8500:8500
# - 8600:53/udp
# registrator:
# image: gliderlabs/registrator:latest
# volumes:
# - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock
# command:
# - consul://edx_consul_1:8500
# expose:
# - 8300
# - 8400
# - 8500
# links:
# - consul
container_name: db
image: edxops/mysql:v1
......@@ -67,17 +44,6 @@ forums:
- /home/edward/Documents/git/edx/configuration:/edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible
# precise:
# image: edxops/precise-common
# command: python -m SimpleHTTPServer
# expose:
# - 8000
# dns:
# -
# -
# volumes:
# - /home/edward/Documents/git/edx/configuration:/edx/app/edx_ansible/edx_ansible
# #nginx:
# # build: ../build/nginx
# ## links:
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